Death & Co.
"It was thought that to drink alcohol was to live a life shadowed by death; that those who drank were keeping company with death. It's taken us nearly a century to restore flavor to the drink and class to the specialty cocktail. In our time, a night to celebrate life's simple pleasures with fine wine, exquisitely crafted cocktails, beautifully prepared food, and impeccable sipping spirits is a rare gift.
To those who shun the night, we tip our hat. To those who shine after dusk, we offer a warm embrace.
Welcome to the new golden age. Welcome to Death & Co.
Opened on New Year's Eve 2006/07 in Manhattan's East Village, Death & Co quickly became a cocktail institution, owed greatly to our staff of creative bartenders and incredible servers. Since then, we have evolved and changed; from an intimate bar in NYC to a sprawling cocktail lounge and restaurant in Denver. Our third installment in Los Angeles pays homage to NYC as it is an intimate seated only bar, paired this time with a more casual standing room only bar. Through this growth, we've maintained our commitment to fine product and exceptional experiences, a focus on hospitality, and a deep desire to be a center for our communities."
- Death & Co